Join the group of professionals. Sign up for a training at a certified training and examination center. Obtain qualifications honoured throughout the entire
European Union.
Join the group of professionals. Sign up for a training at a certified training and examination center. Obtain qualifications honoured throughout the entire European Union.
Theoretical and practical training and an examination to obtain a European certificate of competence as a DRONE PILOT, authorizing to perform flights within visual line of sight (formerly VLOS) and beyond visual line of sight (formerly BVLOS) throughout the European Union.
Do you dream of a career as a DRONE Pilot? Gain the right competences by learning from the best! The team of BZB UAS instructors are professionals who share knowledge acquired on a daily basis while performing services and orders for top companies in the world.
What will training with BZB UAS give you
- BZB UAS is a certified European Training Center.
- Students in our Training Center gain knowledge and experience in the field of new drone technologies and its uses in the industry of agriculture, forestry and civil engineering. Additionally, our students can learn about air pollution measurements and search and rescue. We teach our students how to safely fly a drone and where do these amazing machines apply.
- Classes are held in a hybrid mode – theoretical part is carried out using our e-learning platform and practical part is held at an airport.
What will training with BZB UAS give you
- BZB UAS is a certified European Training Center.
- Students in our Training Center gain knowledge and experience in the field of new drone technologies and its uses in the industry of agriculture, forestry and civil engineering. Additionally, our students can learn about air pollution measurements and search and rescue. We teach our students how to safely fly a drone and where do these amazing machines apply.
- Classes are held in a hybrid mode – theoretical part is carried out using our e-learning platform and practical part is held at an airport.
What will training with BZB UAS give you
Skills gained during the training give the possibility to use them in industries such as:
- movie production, photography, LIVE video filming,
- surveying, inspection work, precise measurements, inspection of hard-to-reach places e.g. rooftops, wind turbines, powerlines, industrial halls, chimneys, construction progress inspection,
- agriculture, state of plant development monitoring, mapping, precise measurements of damages caused by natural cataclysm or by wildlife,
- forestry, area measurements of land engulfed by fire or destroyed by wind, counting trees, tree health assessment.
What will training with BZB UAS give you
Skills gained during the training give the possibility to use them in industries such as:
- movie production, photography, LIVE video filming,
- surveying, inspection work, precise measurements, inspection of hard-to-reach places e.g. rooftops, wind turbines, powerlines, industrial halls, chimneys, construction progress inspection,
- agriculture, state of plant development monitoring, mapping, precise measurements of damages caused by natural cataclysm or by wildlife,
- forestry, area measurements of land engulfed by fire or destroyed by wind, counting trees, tree health assessment.
The most popular training courses
Buy training through our online store.
We provide STS (DRONE PILOT) training in the following forms:
- Stationary practice at the BZB UAS headquarters, ONLINE theory,
- Stationary practice at the BZB UAS headquarters, stationary theory at the BZB UAS headquarters,
- Practice at the client's place, theory ONLINE (training for at least 5 people),
- Practice at the client's place, theory at the client's place (training for at least 5 people),
Each student receives 12 months of access to our e-learning platform, which includes training materials and current information about aviation regulations.
Aby rozpocząć szkolenie i podejść do egzaminu w Ośrodku Szkolenia Pilotów Dronów BZB UAS niezbędne jest:
1. Rejestracja oraz zdobycie uprawnienia A1/ A3 - zrobisz to bezpłatnie na platformie Urzędu Lotnictwa Cywilnego: (jak to zrobić krok po kroku masz opisane na naszym blogu - link).
2. Dodaj wybrany kurs do koszyka.
3. Wybierz termin szkolenia z kalendarza i wpisz go w uwagach do zamówienia.
4. Wypełnij formularz zgłoszeniowy swoimi danymi. Jeżeli potrzebujesz fakturę, zaznacz odpowiednie pole i pozostaw dane. Sprawdź, czy wpisane dane są poprawne i kliknij "Złóż zamówienie".
5. Po zatwierdzeniu danych zostaniesz przekierowany do strony płatności. Zrealizuj płatność, wybierając odpowiednią dla Ciebie formę.
6. Po pozytywnym zrealizowaniu zgłoszenia otrzymasz od nas maila z informację organizacyjną, w której znajdziesz login i hasło do naszej platformy e-learningowej, dokładną instrukcję co dalej oraz kontakt do instruktora.
Uwaga: szkolenia praktyczne realizowane są każdego dnia, a terminy ustalane są indywidualnie z kursantem.
According to the current regulations the minimum age to obtain qualifications is 16 years old.
Flights performed in the open category are low risk and are usually done in open areas. In this category flying over humans is only allowed in the A1 subcategory and with drones whose mass does not exceed 900g. In this category you can only fly in your visual line of sight.
Flights in the specific category are medium risk and can be performed over inhabited areas, gatherings of people and with a special permit above 120 AGL.
In specific category you can fly not only in your visual line of sight but also beyond it.
In Poland you can fly your drone in uncontrolled (G) and controlled (C) space if you have appropriate qualifications and you comply with conditions defined by ULC.
It accelerates decision-making, simplifies processes, and saves time/money. It gives great pleasure!
Increase your competences, increase your earnings (up to PLN 40-150/h). Before you spend several or several thousand zlotys on equipment, it is worth undergoing Drone Pilot training and learning:Pilota Drona
- what do you really need?
- what are cameras and sensors for drones?
- how do they fly/behave in the air?
- what are the advantages/disadvantages of each model?
- what are the maximum flight times?
There is no completely universal equipment and each task requires individual consideration of the investment you need to make when equipping yourself with drone equipment.
teoretycznejThe training consists of a practical part. The training is carried out on airframes, multi-rotor aircraft and hybrids (VTOL). The obtained authorizations will allow you to fly any category of aircraft, the only condition is to limit the take-off weight in accordance with the selected national scenario. This means that after completing the training, you will receive permission to fly multi-rotor aircraft, airplanes or hybrids, provided that their weight does not exceed 25 kg.
Remember that flying an unmanned aircraft is completely different from flying a multi-rotor aircraft, while hybrids combine the need to acquire skills in flying multi-rotor aircraft and unmanned aircraft, which is why we recommend individual training for a given type of aircraft. Studying on your own can cost you much more than the cost of the course.samolotem bezzałogowym . Samodzielna nauka na własną rękę może Cię kosztować znacznie więcej niż koszty kursu.
Training in the special category STS-01
The STS-01 certificate authorizes you to fly under the following conditions:
- You can fly the drone over sparsely populated areas and people while maintaining a safe distance set by the pilot;
- You can fly drones that have an MTOM <25 kg (class C5);
- You can perform automatic flights beyond your visual line of sight (VLOS) at distances of up to 1 km;
The STS-02 certificate authorizes you to fly under the following conditions:
- You can fly the drone over sparsely populated areas and people while maintaining a safe distance set by the pilot;
- You can fly drones that have an MTOM <25 kg (class C6);
- You can perform automatic flights beyond your line of sight (BVLOS) at a distance of up to 1 km if no airspace observer is involved in the operation;
- You can perform automatic flights beyond your visual line of sight (BVLOS) at a distance of 2 km if at least one airspace observer participates in the operation and the drone is at a maximum distance of 1 km from the nearest observer.
The STS-01 certificate authorizes you to fly under the following conditions:
- You can fly the drone over sparsely populated areas and people while maintaining a safe distance set by the pilot;
- You can fly drones that have an MTOM <25 kg (class C5);
- You can perform automatic flights beyond your visual line of sight (VLOS) at distances of up to 1 km;
The STS-02 certificate authorizes you to fly under the following conditions:
- You can fly the drone over sparsely populated areas and people while maintaining a safe distance set by the pilot;
- You can fly drones that have an MTOM <25 kg (class C6);
- You can perform automatic flights beyond your line of sight (BVLOS) at a distance of up to 1 km if no airspace observer is involved in the operation;
- You can perform automatic flights beyond your visual line of sight (BVLOS) at a distance of 2 km if at least one airspace observer participates in the operation and the drone is at a maximum distance of 1 km from the nearest observer.
Specialized training
Have you bought a drone? Have you obtained your Drone Pilot qualifications? but you don't know what to do next? During specialized training, you will learn how to earn money professionally using your machine. We teach how to use the latest technological solutions to speed up work and replace repetitive things with machines.
Don't wait for better times, sign up for training today, gain valuable knowledge and start earning money.